@extends('admin.layouts.app') @section('content')
Statute of organizations
@if(!isset($groups) || count($groups) < 1) No registered organizations. @else @if(\App\Helpers::checkRegistrationClosed())
Mass lock/unlock

The portal is now auto-locked and does not allow new registrations. If needed, you can use the Unlock All button to allow groups to make changes or Lock All to disallow any changes.

@foreach($groups as $group) @if (count($group->dances) == 0) @else @endif @endforeach
Group Name Coach(es) Email Country Town/City Choreographies Dancers Total Cost
{{$group->name}} @if(isset($group->coach_sec) && strlen($group->coach_sec) > 0) {{$group->coach}}, {{$group->coach_sec}} @else {{$group->coach}} @endif {{$group->email}} {{$group->country}} {{$group->city}} {{count($group->dances)}} {{count($group->dancers)}} {{$group->getTotalCost()}} EUR @if(($group->paid) == 0) @else @endif @if(\App\Helpers::checkRegistrationClosed()) @endif
No dances entered
@foreach($group->dances as $dance) @endforeach
Name of choreography Category Style Age group Dancers
{{$dance->name}} {{$dance->category->name}} {{$dance->style->name}} {{$dance->age_group?$dance->age_group->name:'-'}} @if (($dance->category->id) == 1 || ($dance->category->id) == 2) @foreach($dance->participants as $dancer) {{$dancer->name}}; @endforeach @else {{count($dance->participants)}} @endif Edit